本文引用自 harmonyy - 【音樂】70's 停止歌唱的夜鶯 -- Minnie Riperton & 經典名曲Loving You 數個翻唱版本
不知是什麼時候, 初聽這首 Minnie Riperton 的 “Loving You”, 覺得歌手是個白人小女孩. 因為歌聲中少了黑人唱將常見的渾厚感. 當時也沒繼續深究.
今天看了 Harmony 的介紹, 還真是嚇了一跳. 只感到那張臉對不上. (偏見...XD)
我覺得, 原唱最成功的地方, 是狀似漫不經心的把 innocent 灌注在歌曲的每一個角落. 輕輕柔柔的, 好像是在編織一個美麗的夢. 不像之後眾多翻唱者, 總會忍不住用力舒展一下高音. 問題是這一尬, 就把聽眾拉回現實, 也把美夢戳破了.
請按此前往 Harmony 的自我診療室, 欣賞 Minnie Riperton 的 Loving You.
歌詞如下, 需要翻譯請出個聲:
Loving you
Is easy because you're beautiful....
Making love with you
Is all I want to do....
Loving you
Is more than just a dream come true....
And everything that I do
Is out of loving you....
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring....
Stay with me while we grow old....
And we will live each day in spring time....
Because loving you....
Has made my life so beautiful....
And every day of my life
Is filled with loving you....
Loving you....
I see your soul come shining through....
And every time that we....
Oh I'm more in love with you....
不過話說回來, 也真是佩服 Minnie Ripperton 的功力. 要把高音唱的那麼清脆還真不容易, 這是天賦!
按此回首頁, 欣賞更多音樂故事
- Jun 10 Tue 2008 08:26
天籟般的聲音 - Minnie Riperton - Loving You
- Jun 08 Sun 2008 11:53
齊柏林飛船 (Led Zeppelin) 前篇 - Black Dog <輔導級>
接下來要介紹的, Led Zeppelin (齊柏林飛船) 的 Black Dog 歌詞, 是屬於 <輔導級>. 小朋友們請攜父母一同觀賞...
Black Dog 歌詞翻譯
Hey hey mama said the way you move,
嘿嘿… 女人, 妳走路的姿態 (看官們也可以把”走路”換成”炒飯”),
Gon' make you sweat, gon' make you groove.
會讓妳香汗淋漓, 會讓妳愉悅快活.
Ah-ah child way you shake that thing,
啊啊… 女孩妳搖擺 (屁股) 的模樣,
Gon' make you burn, gon' make you sting.
會讓妳渾身火熱, 火熱到讓妳帶刺 (讓人碰不得, 卻又想碰),
Hey hey baby when you walk that way,
嘿嘿… 寶貝當妳走成這個樣子,
Watch your honey drip, can't keep away.
像有蜜水滴下, 讓我不能轉移目光.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, ah, ah, ahh.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, ah, ah, ahh.
I gotta roll, can't stand still,
我必須要做些什麼, 我靜不了,
Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill.
我的心著了火, 好像缺了什麼, 總不能填滿.
Eyes that shine burning red,
我雙眼紅通通的, 好像在冒火,
Dreams of you all through my head.
我的腦海裏來來去去, 全是關於妳的幻想.
Ah-ahh ah-ah
Ah-ah ah-ah
Ah-ah ahhh
Hey baby, whoa baby, pretty baby
寶貝, 寶貝, 漂亮寶貝,
Tell me won’t you do me now. (?)
現在告訴我, 要不要跟我做,
Hey baby, oh baby, pretty baby
寶貝, 寶貝, 漂亮寶貝,
Move the way you're doing now. (?)
Didn't take too long 'fore I found out,
不用花多少時間, 我就明瞭
What people mean by down and out.
Spent my money, took my car
花我的錢, 開走我的車,
Started telling her friends she gon' be a star.
然後開始跟朋友說, 她將會成為一個明星.
I don't know, but I been told
A big-legged woman ain't got no soul.
美腿的女人, 沒人性.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, ah, ah, ahh.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, ah, ah, ahh.
All I ask for, all I pray
禱告時, 我都這樣要求主:
Steady rolling woman gonna come my way.
Need a woman gonna hold my hand
Won't tell me no lies
Make me a happy man.
Ah-ahh ah-ah
Ah-ah ah-ah
Ah-ah ahhhhh
如果說 Queen 裏的 Freddie 是我最愛的主唱, Led Zeppelin (齊柏林飛船) 可以算是我最喜歡的樂團. 八年前, 剛來美國時, 我的英文歌造詣只在 Careless Whisper 的階段. 某天, 開車時不小心播錯電台, 聽到 Led 的 “天堂的階梯 (Stairway to Heaven)”, 從此就一頭栽進 70 年代的音樂世界裏.
一位美國樂評形容的好, “Black Dog” 是 “Brutal Exiting” (直接從內心蹦出, 動物本能般的興奮). 姑且不論挑逗性十足的歌詞, 光是聽音樂, 你不覺得有把毛刷子, 會把內心的野獸, 撩撥的蠢蠢欲動. 這就是典型的 Led 音樂. Led受美國南方黑人藍調音樂的影響極大. 很多時候他們 的歌, 不是在講什麼人生大道理; 只是很直接的敘述一段故事, 或是唱出內心的欲望, 然後尋求聽眾情感上的共鳴.
這裡有一段 1973 年 Led 的現場 “Black Dog” 版本. Led 的錄音室版音樂, 常常是經過很多後製工程, 把一層層的效果加在歌曲上. 這也是為什麼Led的錄音室版音樂, 很難在演唱會中百分百複製. 不過, 這不代表 Led 現場版的音樂比錄音室版的遜. 這段 Black Dog 就是很好的證明. (尤其是節尾的吉他獨奏.)
PS. Led 出專輯的習慣, 會用震撼力十足的音樂開場. “Black Dog” 是 Led 第四張專輯中的第一首歌. 這首歌不只是爆發力十足 (有人說這是重金屬的始祖), 還有錯亂人們聽力的本事. 從 0:40 開始的間奏, 吉他和鼓聲好像是架在不一樣的節拍上. 即使聽過這麼多遍, 這段間奏還能把我的左右耳分離. (這也是我選 Black Dog 做系列介紹開場的主因)
PS: “Black Dog” 這首歌的歌名, 與歌詞內容毫不相關, 頗令人爭議. 有衛道人士攻擊, 說雙眼冒火的 Black Dog, 是吉他手 Jimmy Page 所崇拜的魔鬼教中的地獄犬. 不過這是另外一段故事, 篇幅有限, 以後再說吧. 官方說法是這樣的: “Black Dog” 只代表他們在錄這首歌時, 整天跟在身邊的黑狗.
- Jun 05 Thu 2008 11:03
木村拓哉 Change 第四集 + 希拉蕊敗選
剛磕完木村的 Change 第四集, 就看到 Yahoo 首頁新聞: 美國總統大選民主黨黨內提名, 希拉蕊.柯林頓確定敗選的消息. 雖然我不是她的支持者, 可是看她從去年聲勢浩大, 到今年一路持續下滑, 最後輸給歐巴馬, 也真是嚐盡冷暖.
Yahoo 引用 2007 年年初的一則新聞做開頭 (請見以下翻譯). 我覺得, 這個事件似乎替希拉蕊支持率一路下滑的現象開了頭:
On her first campaign visit to New Hampshire, in February 2007, Hillary Rodham Clinton was confronted by a voter who demanded she explain her 2002 Senate vote authorizing the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
話說 2007 年二月, 當希拉蕊的競選活動第一次在 New Hampshire 州展開, 一個民主黨投票人, 要求希拉蕊對 2002 年在國會投下支持進軍伊拉克同意票做解釋.
"I want to know if right here, right now, once and for all and without nuance, you can say that war authorization was a mistake," Roger Tilton asked Clinton. "I, and I think a lot of other primary voters — until we hear you say it, we're not going to hear all the other great things you are saying."
Roger Tilton (投票人) 問希拉蕊: “我希望在這當下, 妳能直接了當承認, 當初投下支持進軍同意票, 是一個錯誤.” “我認為, 不只是我, 還有很多其他具初選投票資格的選民也是這樣想的: 如果妳不能承認 (那是件錯誤決定), 我們將無法聽進去其它, 妳所謂會為我們做到的好事.”
Clinton replied, as she would repeat in the ensuing months: "Knowing what we know now, I would never have voted for it."
正如接下來幾個月, 希拉蕊一再重複的說法: “如果當初我能知道進軍會有這樣的結果, 我絕不會投下同意票.”
Her refusal to admit error failed to satisfy Tilton, a 46-year-old financial analyst from Nashua even though he loved her position on health care and capping Iraq troop levels.
希拉蕊拒絕承認錯誤的回答, 並沒有讓這個 46 歲, 來自 Nashua 的財務分析師, Tilton 感到滿意. (雖然, Tilton 其實很喜歡希拉蕊在健保, 以及限制伊拉克駐軍上限的政策.)
拒絕認錯, 一向是人類的通病. 尤其是爬到了一定的階層, 這種現象更明顯. (舉個例子, 以前工作上的老闆, 犯了錯, 總是噤聲不語, 也不希望有人再提起這件事, 讓錯誤就此船過水無痕的消失. 這時, 如果有強者我同學, 能自動跳出來扛責任, 那更是日後加官晉爵的保證.) 希拉蕊不只不能認錯, 還玩兩面文字遊戲. “當初”, ”早知道” 這些詞語, 自己關起房門跟另一半訴苦還可以用用. 用到公眾場合競選演說中, 真的給人一種無法信賴的感覺.
要是這時候被問的是朝倉啟太, 一定是一個 90 度大鞠躬, 加上一句對不起, 然後鏡頭就轉到第二天總理支持度繼續上升的畫面…
PS: 看 Change 第四集, 從一開始就覺得哪裡不對勁, 回去重放了幾遍, 才驚覺原來是它的配樂, 讓我覺得跟劇情有點格格不入; 就像在介紹四位秘書的時候, 可能怕政治劇太過嚴肅, 想營造一種輕鬆的感覺, 可是用的配樂太輕浮, 配上不是很好笑的橋段, 有點不上不下的感覺. 還有神林會長呈上內閣名單時, 太早放出熱血的背景音樂了. 如果我們站在美山秘書的角度, 能加入組閣的過程, 的確是很興奮, 可是, 就朝倉啟太而言, 他一個內閣大臣都不認識, 哪來的熱血沸騰?! (我們這些觀眾當然是把自己當成主角演, 誰會把自己當成秘書...)
PS: 歐巴馬的競選口號也是 "Change" 耶, 希拉蕊的競選陣營一度也用 "We shall change" 做口號, 問題是和 歐巴馬的Change 太相近了, 有一種抄襲的感覺.
Yahoo 原文
- Jun 03 Tue 2008 10:26
Daniel Powter (丹尼爾) - Bad Day (糟糕的一天)
有時候, 音樂有一種魔力.
戴上耳機, 調大音量, 跟著音樂一遍一遍的嘶吼,
一切不如意, 都跟著自己五音不全的嗓音, 吼到九霄雲外.
這首 Daniel Powter (丹尼爾) 的 Bad Day, 就有這種魔力.
可是每次聽完, 心情都一整個清爽起來.
There is always hope tomorrow!
看不到 MV 可以點 這裡, 這裡, 或 這裡
Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
你踢起樹葉, (明白了) 這個神奇 (時刻) 已不復存在,
They tell me your blue skies fade to gray
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
(我想,) 我沒必要再說下去…
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
在隊伍中, 你覺得心情降到最低點,
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
你掛著笑容, 拿著咖啡走著
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carryin' on
(我想,) 我沒必要再說下去…
Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
你唱首悲歌, 看看能不能改運 (Note: 負負得正, 慘到底了, 可以轉好了吧)
You say you don't know
你說你不知道 (事情會不會變好)
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
你擠了個笑容, 然後去飆趟車,
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
接近要放棄的邊緣了, 你也不在乎….
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Will you need a blue sky holiday?
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
(我想,) 我沒必要再說下去…
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
(Oooh.. a holiday..)
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
螢幕時而閃爍, 看起來系統出問題,
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
你可能沒辦法回歸過去 (那段好時光), 而你深深知道
That you could be well oh that strong
(深深知道) 這樣子你也可以過的很好
And I'm not wrong
是的, 我沒說錯吧
So where is the passion when you need it the most
當你最需要熱情時, 熱情到哪去了
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
你踢起樹葉, (明白了) 這個神奇 (時刻) 已不復存在,
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
你唱首悲歌, 看看能不能改運
You say you don't know
你說你不知道 (事情會不會轉好)
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
你擠了個笑容, 然後去飆趟車
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Daniel Powter 這首歌的 MV 很可愛. 尤其是最後男女主角畫白板的那一段, 讓人會心一笑. 可是, 不要看了這段甜蜜的感覺, 就肖想跑到紐約去找這種浪漫情節. 美國真實世界的艷遇, 常常是從酒吧開始… 可不可愛, 甜不甜蜜, 有沒有浪漫, 我可不知道…
- May 31 Sat 2008 23:56
前 25 名搖滾樂吉他演奏片段
另一則Yahoo 首頁新聞, 則是列了編輯心目中的前 25 名, 最棒的搖滾樂吉他演奏片段. 以下是我的觀點.
#25, Enter Sandman, by Metallica
#24, Sweet Child O’ Mine, by Gun n’ Roses
光是聽到鏘鏘鏘, 清脆的吉他前奏, 有如水銀洩地一般的流出, 就讓人有一種身心舒暢的感覺.
#23, Black Dog, by Led Zeppelin
原文中的評論寫的很有趣: 為了不讓主唱搶走所有女樂迷的注意, Jimmy Page 創造了大家搞不懂的吉他演奏片段 + 大家搞不懂的歌曲名稱. (你知道 Black Dog 是什麼意思嗎?)
#22, Freebird, by Lynyrd Skynyrd
#21, Jumping Jack Flash, by Rolling Stones
我個人比較喜歡 Rolling Stones 的 Brown Sugar.
#20, Roadhouse Blues, by The Doors
#19, Johnny B. Goode, by Chuck Berry
#18, Kick Out the James, by MC5
#17, Pipeline, by the Chantays
#16, I Feel Fine, by The Beatles
#15, Walk the Way, by Aerosmith
那段吉他間奏有種女人給主角熱情一吻的感覺. (看你的內心邪惡度囉… 你也可以想成在做別的事.)
#14, The Tripper, by The Beatles
#13, Heartbreaker, by Led Zeppelin
為什麼Led的Stairway to Heavy(天堂的階梯)沒上榜….
#12, Smells Like Teen Spirit, by Nirvana
個人比較喜歡 Come as You Are, 或是 Heartshape Box.
#11, Crazy Train, by Ozzy Osbourne
Guitar Hero 第一代的最終挑戰, 彈的我手都要廢了!!
#10, Voodoo Child, by Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix!! 他彈的一副輕鬆自在, 好像很容易的樣子, 多少後人(包括Steve Ray Vaughan)想學, 都得費盡吃奶的力氣.
#9, Another One Bites the Dust, by Queen
如果要選最好的Bass彈奏曲, 我寧願選Queen的另一首Under Pressure.
#8, Born to Run, by Bruce Springsteen
我的印象只有在歌手唱歌的部分, 不評論.
#7, Black is Back, by AC/DC
不只是聽歌, 最好去看現場 Angus “穿西裝, 打領帶, 穿短褲, 倒在地上雙腳亂踢” 的樣子..
#6, Layla, by Derek and the Dominoes
原來Eric Clapton 不是原唱, 我今天才知道…
#5, Iron Man, by Black Sabbath
我比較喜歡 War Pigs. Iron Man 有兩段吉他 Solo, 出玩 Guitar Hero 的時候, Star Power 都在第一段 Solo 放光光了, 怎麼撐都撐不過第二段.
#4, Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin
這首歌聽了會上癮! 只要你能撐過中間那段 Chaos, 後面的吉他 Solo 絕不會讓你失望.
#3, Purple Haze, by Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix!! 天才!!!
#2, (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction, by Rolling Stones
還用說嗎?! 我的 Banner 一度是用這首歌!
#1, Smoke on the Water, by Deep Purple
哈哈哈, 參加了很多吉他展, 這首歌的前奏是大家試吉他時, 必彈的歌曲. 我的參展夥伴到最後抓狂了: “為什麼沒有人能彈完這首歌!!”
點此看 Yahoo 新聞
- May 30 Fri 2008 23:03
- May 29 Thu 2008 12:56
木村拓哉 Change 第三集 + Finding Neverland 片段
是在講木村怎麼被趕鴨子上架, 選上總理的故事. 這齣戲果然一點也不拖泥帶水, 三回就把木村推到定位. 很期待木村當上總理後, 怎麼跟其他老狐狸糾纏.
如果想知道更詳細的劇情, 請前往 Tina 的幸福進行曲.
這一集讓我印象最深的, 是美山追木村到長野的一幕: “不想選, 就把機會讓給我. 我一定夙夜匪懈, 每天不眠不修, 替全國人民服務.” 老天爺總是喜歡開人們玩笑. 這種美山或是韮澤努力 20 年都不一定有的機會, 啪啦一聲就掉在木村前. 英文有一句諺語: 機會總是留給準備好的人. 我想, 對我這種平凡人, 這句諺語應該修正為: 機會總是留給願意伸手抓的人.
這讓我想起另一部電影 Finding NeverLand: 台灣翻譯為 “尋找新樂園”. (好濫的翻譯. NeverLand 是童話故事 “彼得潘” 的住處. 說他是 ”童話仙境”, 或是 ”不老樂園” 還比較貼切.) 這是2004 年 “強尼戴普” (Johnny Depp) 主演的老片, 主旨是在述說赤子之心與成長的故事. 如果眾看官還沒看過, 強烈建議大家弄一片來看.
背景: James Barrie (彼得潘的作者, Johnny Depp 演的角色) 與 George Davies (一群整天調皮搗蛋小鬼頭的老大, 也就是 ”彼得潘” 故事的模擬對象) 談到 George 得重病的老媽.
George: “Mother asked me to take the boys out for the afternoon. She said she only wanted a bit of quiet, but she was trembling so badly she couldn't even finish her tea.”
George: “老媽要我下午把弟弟們帶出去. 她說她只想靜靜. (我不信) 她虛弱到連一杯茶都喝不完.”
George: “I'm not a fool, Uncle James. I deserve to know the truth.”
George: “James 叔叔, 我不是笨蛋, 你一定要告訴我真相.”
James: “I don't know the truth. She won't talk about it.”
James: “我不知道真相, 你媽媽不願意談.”
George: “But you think it's serious?”
George: “你認為她病得很嚴重嗎?”
James: “It could be. The doctor felt she should go and have some tests.”
James: “可能吧. 醫生認為你媽媽需要去做些檢查.”
George: “Then you'll have to convince her to go then.”
George: “那你要說服她去做檢查啊!”
James: “I've tried. She won't listen to me.”
James: “我試過了. 但是她不聽我的.”
James: “And lately, to be quite honest, it seems that all my best intentions for your family have come to nothing but harm. Apparently I've made quite a mess of things.”
James: “而且老實說, 近來我對你們家所做的一切, 雖然是出自於好意, 但是結果常常不然.”
George: “It's Grandmother, isn't it? She's run you off, hasn't she?”
George: “是不是外婆又想趕走你?”
James: “Oh, she's absolutely tried with great effort. And perhaps with good reason.”
James: “她的確是的, 但也許她這樣做是對的…”
George: “It isn't you, Uncle Jim. She just... She just doesn't want to see Mother hurt anymore.”
George: “James 叔叔, 外婆不是針對你. 她這樣做, 只是… 只是不想看到媽媽繼續受苦.”
James: “Look at that. How magnificent. The boy's gone.”
James: “瞧瞧你, 多麼神奇, 你已不再是男孩了.”
James: “Somewhere during the last seconds, you've become a grown-up.”
James: “就在這幾秒的瞬間, 你已經長大.”
James: “Right then. I think you should be the one to talk to her, George.”
James: “現在, 我認為你該自己去跟你媽媽說…”
George: “But I wouldn't know what to say.”
George: “但是, 我不知道該說什麼…”
James: “You'll do fine. You'll do just fine.”
James: “你沒問題的…”
英文的原意寫的真是傳神, 尤其是從 ”Look at that. How magnificent. The boy's gone.” 到“You'll do just fine.” 這段, 把一個男孩轉大人, 剛扛起責任, 卻又舉步維艱的神情, 刻畫的唯妙唯肖.
是的. 雖然沒人想要機會這樣來臨, 但是很多時候, 機會來的總不是時候. 木村當總理的機會, 是在”老爸大哥摔飛機後, 眾人想利用他的狀況下”到來; George 得知母親病重, 又有弟弟要照顧, 才強迫自己長大(這也是另一種機會吧). 面對這種”不是時候”的機會, 沒準備好的自己, 總可以隨隨便便就找個藉口放過,(四週的人也可能鼓吹你放棄), 問題是, 誰知道這是不是一輩子最好的機會, 只有拾起前人遺留的權杖, 悶著頭往前走. 也許是腎上腺激素, 也許是運氣, 或是努力, 助你撐過這段沒準備好的時間. 只要能伸出手抓住機會, 就像James說的, You’ll do just fine.
- May 24 Sat 2008 11:45
Freddie Mercury 短篇 四之四: Killer Queen
最後一篇了. 忍了三篇沒貼 Freddie 年輕時唱歌的影像, 就是為了製造 Killer Queen 這一篇的突誤 (或是噁心) 效果.
歌詞翻譯 + 望文生義 + 加油添醋:
She keeps her Moet et Chandon, In her pretty cabinet
'Let them eat cake' she says, Just like Marie Antoinette
(她說) “沒飯吃, 吃蛋糕啊”, (就像法國皇后對饑民革命的反應)
A built-in remedy, For Kruschev and Kennedy
(她) 天生就是赫魯雪夫和甘迺迪之間的潤滑劑 (Hint:古巴飛彈危機)
At anytime an invitation, You can't decline
任何時間收到她的邀請函, 你都無法拒絕
Caviar and cigarettes, Well versed in etiquette
(她提供) 魚子醬和香菸, (她) 精通禮儀,
Extraordinarily nice
(她待人) 不可思議的好
She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine, Dynamite with a laser beam
(她用) 火藥, 食用膠, 炸彈和雷射光束 (當武器), (Gelatine: 做幕斯蛋糕的食用膠)
Guaranteed to blow your mind, Anytime
Recommended at the price
(她) 物超所值
Insatiable an appetite
(她有) 永遠無法滿足的食慾,
Wanna try?
想試試 (她) 嗎?
To avoid complications
She never kept the same address
In conversation, She spoke just like a baroness
交談時, 她聽起來像個貴婦
Met a man from China
(她) 遇到一個中國男人,
Went down to Geisha Minah
(這個中國男人)曾有找未成年伴遊女郎 (援交?藝妓?)的紀錄.
Then again incidentally
再一次, 很巧地,
If you're that way inclined
Perfume came naturally from Paris
For cars she couldn't care less
Fastidious and precise
(她是) 精準的, 又愛挑剔
She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatin, Dynamite with a laser beam
(她用) 火藥, 食用膠, 炸彈和雷射光束 (當武器),
Guaranteed to blow your mind, Anytime
Drop of a hat she's as willing as playful as a pussy cat
瞬間, 她不加思索地變成了親近人又愛玩的小貓
Then momentarily out of action
可是, 隨時(她)都可能停止活動
Temporarily out of gas
To absolutely drive you wild – wild
She's out to get you
She's a killer queen,
gunpowder, gelatin, Dynamite with a laser beam
(她用) 火藥, 食用膠, 炸彈和雷射光束 (當武器),
Guaranteed to blow your mind, Anytime
Recommended at the price
(她) 物超所值
Insatiable an appetite
(她有) 永遠無法滿足的食慾,
Wanna try?
想試試 (她) 嗎?
夠噁心嗎? 這就是舞台上愛裝扮女裝的 Freddie.
Freddie 到死前, 還是沒出櫃. 但是, 同性戀與否, 就像他在 Bohemian Rhapsody 中唱的 "Nothing really matter." 他的歌聲, 娛樂了人類幾十年, 也影響了無數後輩走上搖滾樂之路. R.I.P. Freddie.
PS. Killer Queen 收錄在 1974 的 Sheer Heart Attack 專輯中. 從這首歌中, 能看出皇后樂團早期創作的基本模式: 以 Freddie 完美的高音做基礎, 加上 Brian May 優雅的吉他旋律 (皇后樂團的歌不像其他藍調搖滾樂, 常有吉他背景蓋過主唱的感覺), 整體重視的是和諧. 此外, 歌詞的寫作, 常用雙關語 (Minah: 同 minor, 未成年之意), 加上一些嘲諷的幽默 (Recommended at the price: 物超所值? 或是 Then again incidentally, If you're that way inclined), 也是皇后樂團的特色.
PS. 終於寫完了這一系列. 這三首: Love of my Life, Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer Queen 和計畫晚些介紹的 Fat Bottom Girl, Under Pressure 是我 mp3 中的常駐曲. 隔幾天我就會去挖出來聽, 享受被 Freddie 高音摧殘, 全身起雞皮疙搭的感覺.
PS. 再繼續寫 Freddie下去, 會被老婆懷疑性向… 下次換個口味, 輕鬆一下, 看看 Bohemian Rhapsody 怎麼被惡搞.
PS. 原來法國也有晉惠帝…
- May 22 Thu 2008 09:05
木村拓哉 Change 第二集 + John Mayer: Waiting on the World to Change
就如同 Change 的預告, 木村拓哉 進了議會後, 會有一段適應期.
Change 第二集正是在說這一段故事: 剛選上議員的木村國會王子, 不知天高地厚, 繼續用他天真浪漫的本性行事 (為了養貓老人請願, 竟然讓四位同黨大老枯等).
果不期然的, 木村這隻菜鳥, 很快就被那群在政界中打滾多年的老油條們利用. 看著看著, 讓我想起 John Mayer (約翰梅爾) 的一首歌: Waiting on the World to Change (等待這個世界的改變).
歌詞翻譯 + 胡言亂語 + 加油添醋
Me and all my friends
We're all misunderstood
They say we stand for nothing and
人們說我們沒主張, 沒堅持, 一事無成,
There's no way we ever could
可是事實上, 我們並沒有機會做到 “有堅持, 有主見”.
Now we see everything that's going wrong
With the world and those who lead it
We just feel like we don't have the means
To rise above and beat it
去克服, 戰勝這一切;
So we keep waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
It's hard to beat the system
When we're standing at a distance
So we keep waiting
Waiting on the world to change
Now if we had the power
To bring our neighbors home from war
They would have never missed a Christmas
No more ribbons on their door
And when you trust your television
What you get is what you got
Cause when they own the information, oh
They can bend it all they want
他們就能隨意扭曲資訊 (不怕被發現).
That's why we're waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
It's not that we don't care,
We just know that the fight ain't fair
我們只知道 (對抗大環境) 這是場不公平的戰爭,
So we keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
And we're still waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change
我們會繼續等待, 等待這個世界的改變,
One day our generation
有一天, 我們這個世代
Is gonna rule the population
So we keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
我不知道 John Mayer 創作歌詞時, 用的是平鋪直述法: 字面意義就代表了他的本意, 還是用隱喻法: 希望聽眾去找字裏行間的意義. 更有可能的是, John Mayer 玩了兩面手法. 反戰人士聽到 “To bring our neighbors home from war”, 會覺得這是鼓吹和平的歌; 年青一族聽到 “They say we stand for nothing and, There's no way we ever could”, 會覺得歌詞講出了他們的被老頭子們壓抑的心聲; 教育家聽了, 會覺得 John Mayer 在說反話, 在鼓勵下一代起身改變世界.
反正就是安插不同的元素, 在歌曲不同的角落, 不把話說明, 讓聽眾各取所需, 然後皆大歡喜. (附註: 這段文字只是我個人的感覺, John Mayer 不說明, 沒人知道他的本意.)
姑且不論 John Mayer 的原意為何, 歌詞的文句倒是很契合木村在戲中的處境. 木村懷疑老爸收過黑錢, 他不喜歡”政治中必要之惡”. 他寧願在長野山上看星星, 當小學教師, 甚至與議員老爸脫離父子關係, 也不願與政治沾上邊. 可是, 不正是跳入議員選舉, 他才有機會對選民說那一句對不起, 之後才有機緣能進入議會, 對更多人發揮影響? 我想, Change 演到後來, 一定會找機會考驗木村是否會做出”政治中必要之惡”. 讓我們拭目以待, 看看編劇想傳達什麼理念.
等待還是起身力行? 獨善其身還是跳入紅塵, 沾染塵緣? 你會選哪一個?
PS. 才選上議員, 就要向總理邁進, 這齣戲絕不拖泥帶水…
PS. 不只阿布寬回來了, 連火之國的女帝也回來了.
PS (5/22/2008). 看戲的時候, 覺得那個老人與貓的陳情者, 演的好生硬. 尤其是老人懷念老婆的哭, 假的很. 當時就覺得這是編劇佈的線, 以後木村碰到難題時, 老人 (搞不好是什麼某某前理事長) 會跳出來救他. 今天看了 Tina的幸福進行曲 中的猜測, Tina 的論點就更合理了:
老人也許是神林會長派來故意拖住木村的. 一來測試木村的可控制度, 二來替神林會長自己製造機會, 與其他大老談論後繼總理人事, 更可以隔開木村與其他大老, 以便日後木村當上總理, 神林順理成章的成為唯一太上皇...
請按此前往 Tina的幸福進行曲 閱讀原文.
- May 21 Wed 2008 08:43
老婆大人驚悚的秘密 - 瑪丹娜 Secret 歌詞翻譯
老婆大人果然是 ”大人”,
願意花時間, 關照我沒人捧場的英文歌翻譯服務,
“小時候你不在我身邊, 寂寞的時候, 我都一直聽瑪丹娜這首歌的專輯.”
“MV裏有肌肉男... 好想摸摸看…”
要當肌肉男, 我可能要練很久.
瑪丹娜 (Madonna) 秘密 (Secret),
收錄於 1994 年"枕邊故事" (Bedtime Story) 專輯中:
歌詞翻譯 + 望文生義 + 加油添醋
Things haven't been the same
Since you came into my life
You found a way to touch my soul
And I'm never, ever, ever gonna let it go
Happiness lies in your own hand
It took me much too long to understand
How it could be
Until you shared your secret with me
直到你願意分享你的秘密 (我才明白).
Mmm mmm 嗯嗯
Something's comin' over, mmm mmm
Something's comin' over, mmm mmm
Something's comin' over me
My baby's got a secret
You gave me back the paradise
That I thought I lost for good
這 (天堂) 是我早已失去的.
You helped me find the reasons why
It took me by surprise that you understood
You knew all along
What I never wanted to say
Until I learned to love myself
直到我學會愛我自己 (才會愛別人),
I was never ever lovin' anybody else
(chorus, repeat)
(chorus, repeat)
Mmm mmm, my baby's got a secret
Mmm mmm, my baby's got a secret
Mmm mmm, my baby's got a secret for me
Mmm mmm, mmm mmm, mmm mmm
當我欣賞完這首歌, 老婆告訴了我一段她埋藏多年, 從沒向人提起過的童年秘密.
“小時候, 半夜起來上廁所, 有時會被地上的小強嚇到. 最讓我害怕的是, 明明小強已經四腳朝天, 群腳抖動, 即將嗚呼哀哉. 可是隔天一早, 小強一定會離奇失蹤. 我一直認為小強有復活的能力, 它會死而復生, 這想法讓我很恐懼.....
“....美國的小強就沒那麼可怕, 死了就是死了, 屍體在車庫一躺好幾天都不會消失.. 可見台灣的小強比較厲害.”
我知道自己比岳母大人還懶, 每天還常睡的比老婆晚, 但是, 老婆大人, 我已經處理乾淨了, 明天一早不用去檢查了.
- May 19 Mon 2008 12:33
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Have fun!
- May 19 Mon 2008 10:42
詹姆士布朗特 (James Blunt) - You're Beautiful
很高興, 今天上了痞克邦娛樂23事. 有圖有真相:
看到沒, 那個 howardch99 就是我!! 感謝木村拓哉, Change, 瑪丹娜 天王般的魔力, 讓我開版十天就能上首頁.
第一, 娛樂23事首頁的文章中, 可否放個明顯的連結回我的Blog.
第二, 娛樂23事首頁文章的人氣, 可否也加在我部落格的文章人氣上.
這樣我會有比較多的成就感, 不然我的部落格人氣都被吸走了
Anyway, 能上首頁還是很高興, 在首頁看到詹姆士布朗特 (James Blunt) 要來台灣開唱, 趕緊來湊熱鬧, 獻上我的翻譯.
詹姆士布朗特 (James Blunt) - You're Beautiful
歌詞翻譯 + 望文生義 + 加油添醋:
My life is brilliant
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
我很確定 (我看到了天使),
She smiled at me on the subway.
在地鐵裡, 她對我笑,
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
但是我不會為此 (她有男人) 而輾轉難眠,
'Cause I've got a plan.
因為我有對策 (**啥對策?? 請見胡言亂語**)
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
妳很美麗, 妳很美麗,
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
在人群中, 我看到妳的美,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yeah, she caught my eye,
As I walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was, Flying high,
她可以從我的表情看出我的情緒, 十分高張,
And I don't think that
I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that
但, 我們相遇的這一瞬間,
will last till the end.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
你很美麗, 你很美麗,
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
在人群中, 我看到妳的美,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I will never be with you.
(La-la-la-la, La-la-la-la,
La-la-la-la, Laaah)
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
妳很美麗, 妳很美麗,
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
當她閃過: 或許該和我在一起的念頭時.
But it's time to face the truth,
但是, 我終究該面對現實,
I will never be with you.
光聽歌, 不看 MV, 真的不知道他所謂的"解決輾轉難眠"的對策 (Plan) 是什麼?! 看了 MV 才知道, 原來他準備好要去跳海...... 囧.....
PS. 更正啟示 (5/20/2008):
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
照我原來的翻法, 中間好像是句號.
請按此前往欣賞 掙脫樂團溫柔好歌 - 謎題 (Riddle)
- May 18 Sun 2008 12:07
另一首遠距離戀愛的歌 - Plain White T's - Hey there Delilah
- by Plain White T's
另一首有關遠距離戀愛的歌, 不知道台灣有沒有發行. Plain White T's 最近因為這首歌在美國紅的很. 獻給分隔兩地的戀人...
歌詞翻譯 + 望文生義 + 加油添醋
Hey there Delilah
親愛的 Delilah,
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
是的, 你是這麼漂亮,
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
Hey there Delilah
親愛的 Delilah,
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
孤單時, 我就在你身邊,
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
喔… 這就是妳對我施的魔法 (讓我這麼愛妳)…
Hey there Delilah
親愛的 Delilah,
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me, girl
但是, 請相信我,
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
有一天, 當我能靠彈吉他過活,
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good
Hey there Delilah
親愛的 Delilah,
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
喔… 這就是妳對我施的魔法 (讓我這麼愛妳)…
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
但是現在有飛機, 火車, 和汽車,
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
如果沒有其他方法, 我也會走路去找妳.
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
Delilah 我可以向妳保證,
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame
全怪妳 (讓我如此愛妳).
Hey there Delilah
親愛的 Delilah,
You be good and don't you miss me
妳會很好的 (別這麼想我),
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You'll know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
親愛的 Delilah,
This one's for you
這首歌, 給妳.
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me.
喔… 這就是妳對我施的魔法 (讓我這麼愛妳)…
請按此前往欣賞 掙脫樂團溫柔好歌 - 謎題 (Riddle)
- May 17 Sat 2008 11:00
Freddie Mercury 短篇 四之三: Bohemian Rhapsody
Freddie Mercury 短篇四之二, 寫了太多的故事. 這篇, 讓我們直接上音樂.
Bohemian Rhapsody (波西米亞狂想曲) by Queen
歌詞翻譯 + 望文生義 + 加油添醋:
Is this the real life- Is this just fantasy-
這是真實人生? 還是虛幻的世界?
Caught in a landslide- No escape from reality-
腳下的地殼在滑動, 眼前沒有逃離現實的出口,
Open your eyes- Look up to the skies and see-
張開你的雙眼, 看看天, 你會發現
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy-
我只是個可憐的男孩, 我不需要同情.
Because I’m easy come, easy go, A little high, little low,
因為我人很隨和, 有時情緒高昂, 有時很低沉.
Anyway the wind blows, doesnt really matter to me, To me
世事再怎麼變化, 都不關我的事…
Mama, just killed a man,
媽媽, 我剛殺了一個人.
Put a gun against his head, Pulled my trigger, now he’s dead,
拿著槍抵著他的頭, 扣下板機, 他就死了.
Mama, life had just begun, But now I’ve gone and thrown it all away-
媽媽, 我的人生才剛開始, 但是我已經玩完了.
Mama ooo, Didn’t mean to make you cry-
媽媽, 本不想讓妳哭,
If I’m not back again this time tomorrow-
但如果明天這時候, 我還沒回來,
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters-
妳要繼續走下去, 就當一切跟妳都沒關係.
Too late, my time has come,
太晚了, 我的時間已近.
Sends shivers down my spine- Bodys aching all the time,
我感覺到身體從頭到腳起了陣陣寒?, 全身也不停地酸痛,
Goodbye everybody- I’ve got to go-
大家再見, 我這就要走了.
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth-
Mama ooo- (any way the wind blows) I don’t want to die,
媽媽… 我還不想死,
I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all-
I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango-
黑衣小丑, 能為我們跳隻方丹戈舞嗎?
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me-
打雷和閃電, 讓我非常的害怕.
Galileo,galileo, Galileo galileo Galileo figaro-magnifico-
(義大利人名s, 不會翻…)
But I’m just a poor boy and nobody loves me-
He’s just a poor boy from a poor family-
Spare him his life from this monstrosity-
Easy come easy go-,will you let me go-
放輕鬆點, 請讓我走.
Bismillah! no-,we will not let you go-let him go-
Bismillah! we will not let you go-let him go
Bismillah! we will not let you go-let me go
以神之名, 我們不能放你走- 放他走,
Will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go let me go
No, no, no, no, no, no, no-
Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go-
Mama mia 讓我走,
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me-
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye-
所以你認為你能對我丟石頭, 然後對我吐口水?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die-
所以你認為你能給我愛, 然後離開我讓我去死?
Oh baby-can’t do this to me baby-
寶貝, 別對我做這種事,
Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here-
Nothing really matters,
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters-,nothing really matters to me,
翻完了…. 好累. 照字面意思, 這首歌是在講一個小男孩的遭遇. 它的特別之處, 在於 Freddie 先將整首歌砍為三個風格迥然不同的片段, 卻又能自然的把這三個片段: 抒情清唱, 歌劇, 以及搖滾樂, 接合在一起. 隨著歌曲的撥放, 聽眾能有一種歷盡滄桑, 峰迴路轉, 淋漓盡致的感覺.
對照 Freddie 寫歌的時間, 和他正經歷的人生, 人們不禁把不同的臆測套在這首歌上. 以下是我綜合多家說法發展出的版本:
歌詞 | 行動劇 |
Is this the real life- Is this just fantasy- Caught in a landslide- No escape from reality- Open your eyes- Look up to the skies and see- I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy- Because I’m easy come, easy go, A little high, little low, Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, To me |
半夢半醒間, Freddie 看見一位少女, Freddie 在一旁觀察這少女好一陣子, 他決定把這個少女稱為”可憐男孩” (其實 Freddie 看到的是他自己, 所以下意識的把少女稱為男孩.) |
Mama, just killed a man, Put a gun against his head, Pulled my trigger, now he's dead, Mama, life had just begun, But now I've gone and thrown it all away- |
(在夢裏) Freddie 才剛進行了一場戰爭, 戰亂中, 他殺了一個男人 (Freddie 的男人面?), Freddie 對此感到自責, |
Mama ooo, Didn't mean to make you cry- If I'm not back again this time tomorrow- Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters- |
少女發現 Freddie 正在觀察她, 她嚇的哭了, Freddie 趨前安慰少女, 保證明天還會回來看她… (變態貌…:p) |
Too late, my time has come, Sends shivers down my spine- Bodys aching all the time, Goodbye everybody- I've got to go- Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth- Mama ooo- (any way the wind blows) I don't want to die, I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all- |
突然間, Freddie 又回到了戰爭中, 這次, 他覺得對手太強, 自己贏不了… |
I see a little silhouetto of a man, Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango- Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me- Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo figaro-magnifico- |
更慘的是, Freddie 發現自己跟那位少女的身影重疊在一起, 少女 (亦或是 Freddie 自己) 被戰爭場景嚇得大叫, |
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me- He's just a poor boy from a poor family- Spare him his life from this monstrosity- |
Freddie 開始替女孩向對手求饒, |
Easy come easy go-,will you let me go- | Freddie 開始替自己向對手求饒 |
Bismillah! no-,we will not let you go-let him go- Bismillah! we will not let you go-let him go Bismillah! we will not let you go-let me go Will not let you go-let me go Will not let you go let me go |
Freddie 發現原來對手不只一個… 而且每一個都不願意放過他. |
No,no,no,no,no,no,no- Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go- Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me- |
突然間, Freddie 驚覺到自己就是那個少女. 那個被放在自己身體裏的惡魔就是那少女! |
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye- So you think you can love me and leave me to die- Oh baby- can't do this to me baby- Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here- |
不幸的是, 少女不願意和 Freddie 一起面對死亡, 少女自己逃出這個惡夢, 被拋棄的 Freddie 在後面大聲咒罵, 之後, 他自己也得開始逃跑… |
Nothing really matters, Anyone can see, Nothing really matters-,nothing really matters to me, |
Freddie 最後感到很沮喪, Freddie 覺得這一切是真是假已不那麼重要…. 因為, 他已經不在乎了. |
歌詞中有太多的暗示: “Just kill a man”, “silhouette of a man”, “I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all”… 描述著當時 Freddie 面臨的衝突和心境. 自己該不該踏出這一步, 我想 Freddie是非常的苦惱…
撇開 Freddie 的私人問題不說, Bohemian Rhapsody 在製作過程中, 也碰到了不少的麻煩. 舉例來說, 70 年代的錄音類比科技, 還無法應付 “I see a little silhouetto of a man…” 開始的這段歌劇效果: 有太多層次的聲音要被錄進音樂裏. 這逼得皇后樂團不得不先分開分組錄一次音, 再把各個半成品錄在一起. 加上樂團成員都是要求完美的工作狂, 在不斷的重複嘗試不同的效果下, 不知錄壞了多少母帶. 這也造就了Bohemian Rhapsody成為當時史無前例的最高製作費. 等到單曲製作完畢, 唱片公司也提出了疑問. 他們認為全長 6 分鐘, 沒有副歌的 Bohemian Rhapsody, 是考驗聽眾的耐性, 沒人會喜歡. 還好在 Freddie 的堅持, 以及新雇的 Elton John 的經紀人的幫忙下, 這首大作才能以原貌呈現在聽眾面前.
Bohemian Rhapsody 問世後, 受到聽眾極大的認同. 不只是在英國本土, 在許多其他英語系的國家, 他都衝到了排行榜的第一或是第二名. 因為這首歌的大成功, 加上新經紀人的幫忙, 皇后樂團才一舉突破財政赤字. 這也讓 Freddie 有了自信踏出人生的下一步.
下一篇, 將是這個系列的完結. 要介紹的歌是 Killer Queen. 雖然 Freddie 終期一生沒對外承認他喜歡同性的傾向, 我們還是能從歌曲影片中, 看出一些端倪.
按此前往 Freddie Mercury 短篇四之四: Killer Queen
- May 16 Fri 2008 09:43
木村拓哉新戲, Change 主題曲 Miles Away (by 瑪丹娜)
新戲, Change 的主題曲: Miles Away (收錄於Madonna 08年新專輯 Hard Candy 中).
歌詞翻譯 + 望文生義 + 加油添醋
I just woke up from a fuzzy dream
You never would believe those things that I had seen
I looked in the mirror and I saw your face
You looked right through me, you were miles away
從遙遠的地方, 你就看透了我,
All my dreams they fade away
I'll never be the same
If you could see me the way you see yourself
I can't pretend to be someone else
You always love me more, miles away
當我們相隔兩地時, 你比較愛我.
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
你不怕告訴我 (你愛我),
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away
只有在相隔兩地時, 我們的關係才是最好的.
So far away
So far away
(我們) 相隔這麼遠…
When no one's around then I have you here
當四下無人時, 我有你在身邊,
I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear
我開始認清事實 (一切都變得這麼清楚)
You always have the biggest heart,
When we're six thousand miles apart
Too much of no sound, Uncomfortable silence can be so loud
Those three words are never enough
(我愛你) 這三個字永遠說不夠,
When it's long distance love
You always love me more, miles away
當我們相隔兩地時, 你比較愛我.
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
你不怕告訴我 (你愛我),
I guess we’re at our best when we're miles away
只有在相隔兩地時, 我們的關係才是最好的.
So far away
So far away
(我們) 相隔這麼遠…
I'm alright, don't be sorry
我還好, 別擔心,
but it's true
When I'm gone you'll realize
當我離開後, 你將會發現,
That I'm the best thing that happened to you
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles a-a-away...
當我們相隔兩地時, 你比較愛我,
你不怕告訴我 (你愛我),
只有在相隔兩地時, 我們的關係才是最好的.
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away
當我們相隔兩地時, 你比較愛我,
你不怕告訴我 (你愛我),
只有在相隔兩地時, 我們的關係才是最好的.
So far away
So far away
(我們) 相隔這麼遠…
瑪丹娜的歌很少能常駐在我的mp3裏. 可是木村的戲就不同了. “戀愛新世代”, “長假”, “美麗人生”, “Hero” 等等… 以前是勤跑錄影帶店租, 現在是固定到變態找. 加上對岸廣大字幕組勞工朋友的支持, 讓我們幾乎是與日本同步欣賞.
這麼多木村拓哉的戲中, 我最喜歡的是 “戀愛新世代” 與 “Hero”. 前者算是稍稍彌補 “東京愛情故事” 的遺憾 (同樣的製作人, 同樣古靈精怪的女孩, 可是男主角最後沒被高中女同學騙走), “Hero” 則是一群戲精子在飆戲, 故事緊湊, 又有一堆歡樂搞笑, 尤其是阿布寬的冷喜感, 有一種讓人想笑又笑不出來的無力感.
才看完 “Change” 第一集, 感覺比木村的前幾部 ( “華麗一族”, “Pride” ) 還好看. 看來日本人有在下工夫, 想扳回亞洲偶像劇一哥的地位, 很期待第二集的上線, 想看看木村怎麼被一群老油條政客玩弄, 然後靠著浪漫又熱血的精神當上大總理. 也希望阿布寬不是客串一集演出, 還能見到他在劇中發揮冷感.
PS: 瑪丹娜還真是老妖精一個, “Miles Away” 才聽兩遍, 就已經能朗朗上口, 好像魔音穿腦, 久久回蕩耳邊, 揮之不去.
PS: 有報導說, “Change” 的劇情與弘兼憲史的 “政治最前線”十分類似, 有抄襲之嫌. 不過沒關係, 弘兼憲史的 “課長島耕作”, “偵探物語”, 也是我的最愛, 所以劇情越相似, 我應該會越喜歡.
PS: 歌曲中 “If you could see me the way you see yourself, I can't pretend to be someone else.” 這一段, 感覺很像女秘書看木村的態度.
PS: 瑪丹娜現場演唱版
請按這裡欣賞木村 Change 第二集 + John Mayer: Waiting on the World to Change
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