最後一篇了. 忍了三篇沒貼 Freddie 年輕時唱歌的影像, 就是為了製造 Killer Queen 這一篇的突誤 (或是噁心) 效果.
歌詞翻譯 + 望文生義 + 加油添醋:
She keeps her Moet et Chandon, In her pretty cabinet
'Let them eat cake' she says, Just like Marie Antoinette
(她說) “沒飯吃, 吃蛋糕啊”, (就像法國皇后對饑民革命的反應)
A built-in remedy, For Kruschev and Kennedy
(她) 天生就是赫魯雪夫和甘迺迪之間的潤滑劑 (Hint:古巴飛彈危機)
At anytime an invitation, You can't decline
任何時間收到她的邀請函, 你都無法拒絕
Caviar and cigarettes, Well versed in etiquette
(她提供) 魚子醬和香菸, (她) 精通禮儀,
Extraordinarily nice
(她待人) 不可思議的好
She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine, Dynamite with a laser beam
(她用) 火藥, 食用膠, 炸彈和雷射光束 (當武器), (Gelatine: 做幕斯蛋糕的食用膠)
Guaranteed to blow your mind, Anytime
Recommended at the price
(她) 物超所值
Insatiable an appetite
(她有) 永遠無法滿足的食慾,
Wanna try?
想試試 (她) 嗎?
To avoid complications
She never kept the same address
In conversation, She spoke just like a baroness
交談時, 她聽起來像個貴婦
Met a man from China
(她) 遇到一個中國男人,
Went down to Geisha Minah
(這個中國男人)曾有找未成年伴遊女郎 (援交?藝妓?)的紀錄.
Then again incidentally
再一次, 很巧地,
If you're that way inclined
Perfume came naturally from Paris
For cars she couldn't care less
Fastidious and precise
(她是) 精準的, 又愛挑剔
She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatin, Dynamite with a laser beam
(她用) 火藥, 食用膠, 炸彈和雷射光束 (當武器),
Guaranteed to blow your mind, Anytime
Drop of a hat she's as willing as playful as a pussy cat
瞬間, 她不加思索地變成了親近人又愛玩的小貓
Then momentarily out of action
可是, 隨時(她)都可能停止活動
Temporarily out of gas
To absolutely drive you wild – wild
She's out to get you
She's a killer queen,
gunpowder, gelatin, Dynamite with a laser beam
(她用) 火藥, 食用膠, 炸彈和雷射光束 (當武器),
Guaranteed to blow your mind, Anytime
Recommended at the price
(她) 物超所值
Insatiable an appetite
(她有) 永遠無法滿足的食慾,
Wanna try?
想試試 (她) 嗎?
夠噁心嗎? 這就是舞台上愛裝扮女裝的 Freddie.
Freddie 到死前, 還是沒出櫃. 但是, 同性戀與否, 就像他在 Bohemian Rhapsody 中唱的 "Nothing really matter." 他的歌聲, 娛樂了人類幾十年, 也影響了無數後輩走上搖滾樂之路. R.I.P. Freddie.
PS. Killer Queen 收錄在 1974 的 Sheer Heart Attack 專輯中. 從這首歌中, 能看出皇后樂團早期創作的基本模式: 以 Freddie 完美的高音做基礎, 加上 Brian May 優雅的吉他旋律 (皇后樂團的歌不像其他藍調搖滾樂, 常有吉他背景蓋過主唱的感覺), 整體重視的是和諧. 此外, 歌詞的寫作, 常用雙關語 (Minah: 同 minor, 未成年之意), 加上一些嘲諷的幽默 (Recommended at the price: 物超所值? 或是 Then again incidentally, If you're that way inclined), 也是皇后樂團的特色.
PS. 終於寫完了這一系列. 這三首: Love of my Life, Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer Queen 和計畫晚些介紹的 Fat Bottom Girl, Under Pressure 是我 mp3 中的常駐曲. 隔幾天我就會去挖出來聽, 享受被 Freddie 高音摧殘, 全身起雞皮疙搭的感覺.
PS. 再繼續寫 Freddie下去, 會被老婆懷疑性向… 下次換個口味, 輕鬆一下, 看看 Bohemian Rhapsody 怎麼被惡搞.
PS. 原來法國也有晉惠帝…
- May 24 Sat 2008 11:45
Freddie Mercury 短篇 四之四: Killer Queen