
本文引用自 harmonyy - 【音樂】70's 停止歌唱的夜鶯 -- Minnie Riperton & 經典名曲Loving You 數個翻唱版本

minnie_riperton 不知是什麼時候, 初聽這首 Minnie Riperton 的 “Loving You”, 覺得歌手是個白人小女孩. 因為歌聲中少了黑人唱將常見的渾厚感. 當時也沒繼續深究.

今天看了 Harmony 的介紹, 還真是嚇了一跳. 只感到那張臉對不上. (偏見...XD)

我覺得, 原唱最成功的地方, 是狀似漫不經心的把 innocent 灌注在歌曲的每一個角落. 輕輕柔柔的, 好像是在編織一個美麗的夢. 不像之後眾多翻唱者, 總會忍不住用力舒展一下高音. 問題是這一尬, 就把聽眾拉回現實, 也把美夢戳破了.

請按此前往 Harmony 的自我診療室, 欣賞 Minnie RipertonLoving You.

歌詞如下, 需要翻譯請出個聲:

Loving you
Is easy because you're beautiful....
Making love with you
Is all I want to do....
Loving you
Is more than just a dream come true....
And everything that I do
Is out of loving you....

No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring....
Stay with me while we grow old....
And we will live each day in spring time....

Because loving you....
Has made my life so beautiful....
And every day of my life
Is filled with loving you....
Loving you....
I see your soul come shining through....
And every time that we....
Oh I'm more in love with you....

不過話說回來, 也真是佩服 Minnie Ripperton 的功力. 要把高音唱的那麼清脆還真不容易, 這是天賦!

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