兒子今年的英文老師是 UT - Austin 教育系畢業的高材生. 有用心的高材生果然出手不凡: 課前預告, 系統分析, 鼓勵實作, 一樣不缺. 雖然我家所在的 Klein 學區整體寫作成績不理想, 但碰到這位老師可真是兒子的福氣.
以下是課前準備範例 - 這是每周一會送到家長手上的訊息.
"Reading Learning Intention- I can read a poem and identify the figurative language (similes and metaphors) and the sensory language that creates imagery.
Writing Learning Intention- I can write a rhyming poem, shape poem, and an alliteration poem with sensory language.."
是的, 你沒看錯. 英文詩鑑賞與寫作是美國小學生的必修教材. 隨著老師講解舉例完各類詩型後, 兒子為期一周的 "Poem Fever" 正式起跑.
以下是兒子 10/23/2018 寫的生平第一首押韻詩:
A Cake in a Lake
I wanted to bake,
a very cool cake,
in the great lake,
and I will do it for heaven's sake.
So to the great lake,
I went with a shiver and shake,
I almost ate a frozen flake.
When I got home I ate a warm steak.
But that was so weird and fake.
看得出兒子在為押韻湊字之餘, 努力想串聯起一則故事的企圖. 最末一句: But that was so weird and fake 轉得突兀, 卻合理化了之前所有生硬的不合理. 高招!
You are good or bad,
You are a lady or a lad,
You are humble or bright,
You are weak or like to fight.
Don't worry, You decide!
呵呵, You are a lady or a lad... You decide! 很合性平的潮流.
Fright, sight, light, and night they are all the same to me.
Cat, mat, hat, and bat they are all the different to see.
Your eyes shine
unlike twine,
with one dot each
not like peach.
They spy like a pro
looking to and fro.
Eyes are bright
your sense of sight.
用 "twine" 是美麗的錯誤 - 兒子以為 "twine" 是 "twinkle": 閃爍的意思. 他本來想說睜大的眼睛不閃爍, 現在變成非 "線" 一般的咪咪眼, 還說的過去啦...
我喜歡 "with one dot each, not like peach" 描寫黑眼球的這一句. 他用大小的比喻, 帶出兩隻眼睛, 四個圓圈, 有分內外的圖形 - 很像他自己畫的插圖.
The Creature
I saw a creature with hands and feet with a eek like thunder emerge from the swamp.
"Hey you" he said and disappeared into the swamp.
詩裏不只寫形 (creature with hands and feet), 還寫聲 (eek / Hey you), 很有日本俳句剎那印象即永恆的感覺.
Something emerge from the water: 意指型體浮出水面. 只看閃電擊中沼澤的瞬間, 分不清閃電自上還是下方來, 很有顛倒看世界的 Fu, 給整首詩加了禪意.
看完兒子的作品, 立馬寫信詢問高材生老師有關補充教材事宜. 老師舉了以下書單, 對孩童英文詩有興趣者可參考:
The New Kid on the Block – by Jack Prelutsky
A Light in the Attic – by Shel Silverstein
Where the Sidewalk Ends – by Shel Silverstein
Love that Dog - by Sharon Creech
The Crossover - by Kwame Alexander