看了幾位網友的留言, 有些感動, 又有些為這兩個月空白的部落格感到 ”見笑”. 其實我的生活沒改變多少, 只是忙碌加倍. 不但高階層的 MBA 課需要投入更多的時間與精力; 在工作上, 老闆也丟出超大紅蘿蔔, 讓我本能地加速往前跑. 從十月初的 “明天再寫文章”, 十一月初的 “下禮拜一定寫好”, 到現在久久沒來部落格報到, 生疏到不知道怎麼將中文排列成文章了… (哈..)
過幾天就是聖誕節了. 再怎麼潛水, 也不好意思在假日裝啞. 以下是我的 Merry Christmas. 聖誕夜也來點搖滾味吧!
Bruce Springsteen 的 Santa Claus is Coming to Town. 經典吧, 還是用唱片放的.
另一個版本, 開場可以聽 Bruce 以成熟的嗓音講故事.
(看不到影像請點這裏, 或這裏)
時間回朔到 1970 年的耶誕夜, 未來的藍領搖滾皇帝 Bruce Springsteen 還只是紐澤西地方小有名氣的音樂人. 在例行的夜店表演後, 他和吉他手 Steve 兩人孤單寂寞的背著樂器走回家. 可預見的是, 沒有家人, 沒有耶誕樹, 也沒有樹下排的 滿滿的禮物, 耶誕夜又只有電視上的 “Late Show” 和冷冰冰的被窩陪伴他. 正當 Bruce 抱怨: “為何號稱是老闆 (The Boss) 的他, 卻要拖著比較重的擴音器”之時, 奇蹟真的就發!生!了!
“Then, all of a sudden, it was funny.....we seen this light.....shooting around the moon.....shifting into fourth, scooting down towards the boardwalk....and all of a sudden....theeeere he waaasss.... Steve, look....Ho, ho, ho”
“突然, 很有意思的是, 我們看到一道光, 從月亮旁閃出, 好似轉到四檔, 極速下降到我們面前. Steve, 快看, 伴著招牌笑聲Ho Ho Ho, 他來了…”
“Steve, see. I told Ya!”
“Steve, 看吧, 我早就跟你說過!”
聖誕節, 在西方人眼裏, 除了放假, 團圓, 收禮物, 慶祝外, 另一個重大的意義, 就是 ”相信”. 只要你相信聖誕老公公還存在, 相信明年會更好, 未來總還有希望.
最後, 讓我說一個過節應景的笑話: 答案是 Paris Hilton, Britney Spear 和 Lindsey Lohan 這三位女明星. 猜耶誕節的謎題 (見下頁).
PS. 休士頓前幾天有下雪喔!
順著風落下的雪 + 休士頓大學停車場
待了快十年, 第一次在休士頓看到車上積雪 (不知是誰的車...)
PS. 下面附有 Bruce Springsteen 口述的原版故事
‘‘I got to tell you this story.....it was about, it was 1970 and me and Steve were working in this bar in Asbury Park called The Student Prince....and we were like....we were making no dough, you know, and doing nothing, just sitting around, waiting to be discovered or something....but nobody can discover you in Asbury Park, you know (chuckles)....gotta get on the Turnpike, at least (chuckles)....anyway, bring it down a little bit, anyway, we were sitting there one night....matter of fact, it was right around this time of year, wasn't it, Steve ?....and you know....it was a night, I think , I think it was just like tonight....except it was about 15 degrees outside....it was cold....it was 3 o'clock in the morning.....and we're sitting there at this table, everybody's gone home, rest of the band's all gone home.....and we're saying ‘Man, what are we gonna do ? here it is’ (someone yells out) ‘We already did that (chuckles) it's like, it’s like, here it is, this is Christmastime’....I say I ain't got no money....to buy no presents....you ain't got no money to buy no presents, how you gonna buy me a present ?’....so we made a deal, I wouldn't buy him nothing if he didn't buy me nothing.....so we were feeling really down, you know, going ‘some Christmas’.....do you ever hear people say that ? (crowd : ‘Some Christmas’).....right.....so we start to walk home down along the boardwalk.....now it's snowin' like crazy out, right.....he's carrying the guitars, and
somehow I got stuck carrying the amps....I don't know how, I'm supposed to be the Boss, I got stuck carrying the amps.....so anyway....we were walking down the boardwalk, I got the amps.....shit, goddamn (chuckles)....he's got the guitars.....and we're going on , we're going ‘Man, I've had it with this Santa Claus stuff, that's a bunch of junk, I don't believe in that stuff, you know, what are we gonna do? gonna go home and watch the ‘Late show’, it's Christmas Eve.....gonna into bed by myself, pull the covers up, everybody else is having a good, I ain´t got no, I didn't even get a Christmas tree, did you get one ?’....so anyway, we’re feeling real down about it, then, all of a sudden, it was funny.....we seen this light.....shooting around the moon.....shifting into fourth scooting down towards the boardwalk....and all of a sudden....there he was.... Steve, look....”
答案揭曉, 問題是 Whore, whore, whore. (與聖誕老公公的笑聲 Ho, ho, ho 音近). 冷吧. 所以才應景… 聖誕快樂!