
本文引用自 徐大觀察記 - 本週是皇后週。

wayne's world本來想專心寫齊柏林飛船的, 但是看了徐大的皇后週介紹, 尤其是那張 Freddie 魁男塾漫畫, 真是笑翻了, 忍不住跳回來寫完這個皇后樂團番外篇: 惡搞 Bohemian Rhapsody (波西米亞狂想曲).

1. 惡搞第一名, 當然非 Wayne’s World 莫屬. Wayne’s World 是 1992 年上映的搖滾狂想曲,  敘述兩個宅男為了保住他們的有線電視節目而奮鬥的歷程. 如果看官和我一樣, 不管 ”食神” 重播多少遍, 看到 ”雙刀火雞姐” 唱” 情和義” 都會笑, 那就千萬不要錯過這片. Wayne 和 Garth 影片開頭在車子裏唱Bohemian Rhapsody 的那一段, 真是車震族的經典. (別想歪… 此 “車震” 非彼 ”車震” 是也.) 聽到中間的熱血激昂的重金屬吉他間奏, 誰不會和 <影片 2:38> 一般搖頭晃腦.

2. 接下來要介紹的, 是 Ricky Miller 表演的: Bohemian Rhapsody – Perform by the 25 Most Annoying Voices in the Music Industry (25 個音樂界最煩人的聲音). 這小子, 不但聲音學的像, 連動作都很有味道. 看到他用 John Bon Jovi, Areosmith, Mick Jagger 和 Axl 的神韻唱 Bohemian Rhapsody, 我笑到快從椅子上滾下來.

3. 還有這個不知道有多少時間的 “閒” 人做的樂高版 Bohemian Rhapsody.

4. 最後是這個王菲版的 Bohemian Rhapsody. 這不是惡搞啦, 各位菲迷別生氣. 看到王菲挑戰 Freddie Mercury, 心理著實畫了個大問號. 不過聽完後, 倒是想對她鼓掌. 王菲並沒有盲目的模仿, 她還是用她屌屌的聲音和表情詮釋歌曲, 真是勇氣可嘉. (不過旁邊的合聲也太遜了些.)

PS: Wayne’s World 當年可是幹了一件大事. 它把皇后十年前的 Bohemian Rhapsody 重新拉回美國告示牌排行榜, 一路衝到第二名!

PS: Wayne’s World 紅到還出過超任遊戲.

PS: Wayne’s World 在 2008 年的 MTV 頒獎典禮上重出江湖. 請看以下連結. 那個 10 大色情電影名稱的搞笑橋段, 真是讓我重溫舊夢… “Monkey might fly out of my butt…”, “Shwing”, “Party On”!

PS: 不知道台灣有沒有進這部片. Amazon 有喔, 要代買可以找我.

PS: Wayne's World 惡搞波西米亞人對話檔, 有空再來翻譯

Let me bring you up to speed. My name is Wayne Campbell.
I live in Aurora, Illinois, which is a suburb of Chicago.
I've had plenty of joe jobs.
Nothing I'd call a career. Let me put it this way...
I have an extensive collection of name tags and hairnets.
OK, I still live with my parents, which I admit is both bogus and sad,
but I've got an amazing cable access show,
and I still know how to party.
But what I'd really love is to do Wayne's World for a living.
It might happen.
Sh'yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.
Ah, the mirthmobile.
This is my best friend Garth Algar.
I think a little Bohemian Rhapsody, gentlemen.
Good call.
Whoa! It's Phil.
Phil, what are you doing here? You're partied out, man...again.
- What if he honks in the car? - I'm giving you a no-honk guarantee.
Phil, um, if you're gonna spew, spew into this.
- Garth, pull over. - Oh, man! Come on!
Not again.
He does this every Friday. Stop torturing yourself, man!
You'll never afford it! Live in the now!
It will be mine. Oh, yes... It will be mine.

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